Home Hacky Holidays - Unlock The City - Stop The Heist

Hacky Holidays - Unlock The City - Stop The Heist

image-20220728125234500 Fig 1: Challenge description


This is an Incident Response challenge. There is a windows system which was exploited by an attacker and we need to trace back what happend and what kind of data was compromised. The zip file contains some important files like logs and powershell history. The pcapng contains the network capture of the system. I didn’t even had to open the json file, but seems like it was generated from splunk, but I’m not sure. And the rockyou.txt is a wordlist which we can use to brute force the hashes. This is a three part challenge and each part will help going to the next part of the challenge. So let’s start analyzing the data.


First, let’s download all the files that are provided.

image-20220728131020441 Fig 2: File list

Network logs are a great place to start looking. We can use wireshark and see what was going on the system. This is a huge capture. It was roughly 138 MB large and it had hell a lot of packets.

image-20220728131118224 Fig 3: Opening pcapng in Wireshark

With wireshark we can use Protocol Hierarchy option from Statistics menu to see what are all the protocols exist in the capture. Protocol Hierarchy tab is presenting us with all the protocols and other information. We can see HTTP protocol is used in the wireshark. We can also see other protocols like SMB and ssh along with some other protocols.

image-20220728131445102 Fig 4: Wiresahrk Protocol Higherarchy

We do have some HTTP traffic. We can filter the http packets and explore.

image-20220728141408845 Fig 5: HTTP traffic

If we open a packet and observe the User-Agent, it says WinRM Client. So this is a WinRM traffic.

“Windows Remote Management (WinRM) is the Microsoft implementation of WS-Management Protocol, a standard Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)-based, firewall-friendly protocol that allows hardware and operating systems, from different vendors, to interoperate.”

But unfortunately, we can’t see what kind of commands are executed through WinRM session because, it is encrypted using kerberos. If we get the kerberos password we may possibly decrypt this encrypted session. But this challenge won’t need to take that path.

image-20220728141608422 Fig 6: Encrypted WinRM data

We also have SMB protocol on the capture. SMB is a juicy place to look at, as it can contain any sensitive file transfer logs. By using smb2 filter on wireshark we can see the smb data.(smb2 filter will filter out SMB v2 packets and smb filter will filter out SMB v1 packets. I tried with smb filter and didn’t find anything meaningfull so i skipped that part.) In the filter we can already see some files are transfered.

image-20220728135627263 Fig 7: SMB traffic

Wireshark has an Option called Export Objects under File menu. From there we can export files transfered using protocols like HTTP,SMB,FTP and etc. We can use this option to see all the files that are transfered using SMB and save them on the disk.

image-20220728135713803 Fig 8: Exporting SMB objects

There were quiet some files were exported. But nothing had any meaningful data. The Powershell Transcript file had some command logs, but they were not leading anywhere.

image-20220728135819086 Fig 9: Exploring exported files

The File_Id_* contain one command. The command downloads a powershell script named update.ps1 and run it. Now we do have a domain.

image-20220728140441422 Fig 10: Contents of File_Id_*

Upon trying to get the file in hopes of examining it, it returns 404.

image-20220728140549175 Fig 11: Trying to get update.ps1

But the domain is active anyways.

image-20220728140629199 Fig 12: Checking if whether the domain is active or not

We can get the IP of this domain and search in wireshark to see if there is any network logs from this domain.

image-20220728141232752 Fig 13: Getting the IP of the domain

But it only had HTTPS packets. And there is no other information we can use from this domain. I looked for any certificate transfer in the capture and also in the zip file so that i can use it to decrypt the HTTPS traffic, but i couldn’t find any.

image-20220728141253294 Fig 14: HTTPS traffic

So after a while, i got into enumerating the zip file.

image-20220728141747220 Fig 15: Zip file contents

It was a minimal C volume. It contained some crucial files.

image-20220728141854416 Fig 16: Zip file contents

The users from the User directory had powershell History.

image-20220728141928725 Fig 17: Powershell History

The administrator’s powershell history had some group management stuff.

image-20220728142158190 Fig 18: Administrator command history

That obfuscated string is an AMSI bypass payload. So most probably this is executed by the attacker. Other than this along with some other defender disabling there is nothing interesting here.

The unlockthecity user also has a console history. Here we can see the powershell script getting executed here. Now only an idea bulb lit over my head. We can see that the powershell script is never getting downloaded to the disk. It straightly runs on the memory. So it is a file-less stuff. But, still the powershell script must have a set of commands that it must execute. And this history must be in the event log.

image-20220728225401574 Fig 19: unlockthecity powershell history

Now, i went and saw if the event log directory exist. Luckily, it was there.

image-20220728225634580 Fig 20: checking the event log directory

Powershell will save all the command history in *-Powershell-Operational.evtx file.

image-20220728225654848 Fig 21: Locating powershell event log

We can extract it and verify that it indeed is a event log.

image-20220728225747599 Fig 22: Extracting the powershell event log

But however it won’t contain any plain data. We need to parse it first.

image-20220728225831585 Fig 23: Trying to get the contents

There are lot of tools for parsing windows event logs. But i find Evtx Dump convenient. We can use this to parse the log file. After successful parsing, we see plain data. However there was so much data in this logfile. It would take a lot of time to go through all this unless we think smart.

image-20220728230157159 Fig 24: Using evtx-dump util

If we remember from Fig 10 before, we saw the command start time in the beginning from one file on SMB.

image-20220728235709562 Fig 25: Getting ‘command start time’ from SMB export

We do have the timestamp(SystemTime) of when a command event was run, and also the executed command, in the event log.

image-20220729010633013 Fig 26: Identifying SystemTime from the parsed event log

We can take the Command Start time from that file and format it correctly like in the event log. So 20220715125925 becomes 2022-07-15T12:59:25.

image-20220728235827886 Fig 27: Adapting the time format

Now, using jq command we can get the events that are started around the target time and get the data we want.

./evtx_dump-v0.7.2-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --dont-show-record-number -o json Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell%4Operational.evtx | jq -r '.Event|select(.System.TimeCreated[].SystemTime|contains("2022-07-15T12:59:25"))|.EventData.Payload'

image-20220728235911756 Fig 28: Extracting the commands executed at the target time

That results in the first FLAG.


For the second flag we need to figure out the files that was taken by the attacker.

image-20220728235933513 Fig 29: Part 2 description

From the above image we can see a Powershell reverseshell is executed on the system. It has the attacker IP and PORT. Luckily it is not an encrypted reverse shell. So we can see the data traffic bright and clear.

image-20220729011228909 Fig 30: Identifying attacker reverseshell IP and PORT

Again, we can go to wireshark and filter the traffic that was transmitted on PORT 4444 by the IP

image-20220729000042829 Fig 31: Filtering the IP and PORT in wireshark

We can Follow the stream as TCP stream by right clicking on the first packet and choosing TCP Stream under Follow menu. Then we’ll get a nice TCP stream on that session. We can already see all the command executed on that reverse shell session.

Note: mimikatz is downloaded and the output is saved in C:\Temp after executing it.

image-20220729000115480 Fig 32: Reverseshell session

If we follow down we can see some rtf file contents are getting posted to a HTTP file server on attacker machine.

image-20220729000145934 Fig 33: File transfer through reverse shell session

We can go and filter this HTTP port in wireshark. We can also see the GET request to mimikatz. But the file contents doesn’t have anything interesting.

image-20220729012138107 Fig 34: Filtering the file server port in wireshark

After spending some quality time, it finally appeared to my eyes. It was the files itself. Their names. Their POST req order was the FLAG.

image-20220729000247468 Fig 35: Finding the flag pattern through transfered file names

Come to think of it, the challenge description stated that i have to find the exfilterated files only.


After getting all the file names, we get the flag. CTF{EXFILTRATE_ALL_THE_FILES}


Now we need to find the hash and crack it.

image-20220729000353753 Fig 36: Part 3 description

If we remember, mimikatz was executed and the output was saved under C:\Temp. If we visit this location in the zip file and open the dump.txt we can see the hash there.

image-20220729001020553 Fig 37: Getting the contents of mimikatz dump

We already has the format for the hash value from the description. We can use the combinator attack and some hashcat rule to achieve this password format. For cracking NTLM hashes we need to use mode 1000 in hashcat.

hashcat -m 1000 hashy.txt -a 1 -j '^{ ^F ^T ^C $_' -k '$! $}' rockyou.txt rockyou.txt

I tried to crack it in my system. But my potato PC was starting to go nutz. Also i can’t wait 19 days.

image-20220729013754960 Fig 38: POTATOO PCC

So i used colabcat. If anyone is poor like me, use it.

image-20220719093820926 Fig 39: Cracking the hash using colabcat

Finally we get the last FLAG. After this i used to password to try and decrypt the WinRM traffic, but i couldn’t get any results.

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